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This workbook contains activities based on strategies and curricula we have used with students for nearly two decades. Within the chapters you will find an emphasis on self-awareness, and life skills like time management.  It is our mission to provide more than just how-to’s by also providing some of the soft skills necessary to succeed in life beyond high school such as financial literacy and social, emotional intelligence. Chapters are organized in order of the tasks to be accomplished through junior and senior years of high school. We keep it simple and engaging with worksheets and activities that prompt introspection. This guide also doubles as a planner where you can track important dates and reminders.When using the planner portion of this guide we suggest planning your year first by seasons and noting important dates and holidays, then looking closely at each month, then laying out your next two weeks, and finally breaking down how you will tackle your day. Creating routines and habits is key to future success. With the purchase of this planner, you can schedule one-on-one zoom sessions with a professional at Baines College Consulting, LLC.  The first session is FREE!

Coil Bound College Planner

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